Advanced Front End topics
Handling static files versioning using grunt-hashres
While looking for a simple but yet effective way to handle my static file versions, I found the awesome grunt-hashres Grunt plugin. Its job is to give each static file a unique version and also update references to the file with current version. awesome. Installing the plugin: Configurations are easy....
Splitting large Grunt files using node.js export capabilities
Grunt is an awesome tool. I use it everyday and I cannot think of working without it. As time passed by, our Gruntfile.js file became really big, and managing this file has become a real bummer. Since Grunt's best practices recommend using one and only one Gruntfile.js per repository, the...
Pre caching AngularJS templates using html2js
Using AngularJS templates / partials is awesome. It gives you the ability to be modular. The problem with that is that it creates an extra http request for each template (assuming you have a different template file for each template, which you should!). A cool trick is using Grunt/Gulp plugin...